Over the last few months, we’ve been hard at work developing something very exciting...
Something we’ve never done before…
Something that’ll set you up for the most lucrative year of your career...
Listing Summit 2022
A 5-hour virtual conference for any agent who wants to dominate their local market as a top Listing Expert Agent!
We’re giving you EVERYTHING, all of the strategies, tactics, tools, and resources to get more listings and leads while growing a reputation as a local top listing expert agent.
The Listing Summit will be open to both new and experienced agents who are looking to set themselves apart from the competition and become the sought after top Listing Expert Agent in their market.
And that’s just the beginning!
We’ve got a great lineup of speakers and content - everything from how to find listings, to how to build a reputation as a listing expert agent.
We’ll even cover the advanced strategies that are on everyone’s mind, like…
Listing Presentations ✅
Pre-Listing Marketing ✅
TikTok ✅
Instagram ✅
Video marketing ✅
And more…
BUT, we need your help... 🙏
We need to know what YOU want from the 2022 Listing Summit.
What’s the one thing you really struggle with when it comes to listings?
What’s the one thing we can include in the 2022 Listing Summit to really turn it up a notch?
Let us know in the comments section below!
Your suggestions will really help us fill in any gaps and make sure we address anything and everything listing-related that you need help with.
We look forward to reading all of your responses!
Discuss what the client wants to hear/feel in the listing presentation to ensure you are selected as their agent.
Awesome suggestion! Thanks!
Touch on the benefits of neuro-linguistic programming and changing voice inflection, knowing when to pause for a moment of silence, and why you shouldn't speak as often as the seller. Just a thought.
Good insights Dave! It's easy to overlook how much skill is in communication and listening when it comes to working with our clients.
Finding listing opportunities that aren't already in my database or referrals and aren't FSBO/EXP.
I always get my referral listings but with my marketing, social media, farming I don't get calls for
other listing appointment opportunities. I want to reach the market that I am marketing to as well to have those opportunities.
Agreed - how can I use our geographic farming postcards to help build a social media community that is comprised of my farming community to increase my involvement in the neighbourhood to get more listings
My database only rarely refers business to me because most of them know 5 or 10 realtors in my area and most of many in my list are home buyers who cannot afford the prices in this area. I've used Zillow, realtor.com, homes.com, opcity, boomtown and elevate for lead gen sources, and have gotten only mediocre results that just barely paid for themselves in ROI. Opcity being the one exception that has generated $10M in sales in the last 18 months but I give them 35% of my commission off the top. Most of these generate Buyers not Sellers so I feel like I'm the at total effect. I've used your program for a long time but there has been no big uptick in listings. My problem is, I can win listings if I have the opportunity to give a presentation but I rarely get invited to give a listing presentation. I know other brokers and agents who are not well known in this area who get lots of listings and they aren't coming from their database because some are relatively new agents and their listings are all over the county, mixed demographics and property values. Somehow, these people are finding listings from some other source. I've heard of doing mailings to people who've owned a home for 20 years, do things like this work?? I don't know what I don't know but I know if I relied solely on the marketing from Paperless Agt I would not have a business because I don't get opportunities to list and that is distressing. Maybe it's working great for you guys but it isn't working for me. I'm just being honest. I've gotten only one listing this year from my FB friends, zero from Instagram, zero from Linkedin, one listing and one sale from my database and 13 sales from lead gen and grinding it out trying to get leads and a couple listings from openhouses. for a total so far of 18 sales this year. I'm hoping to close 2 more before the years end. I want to double this for 2022.
Bottom line is this; I need a steady source of NEW business from people I don't already know because using my existing business model is exhausting, and with the marketing costs and commissions splits to lead gen sources, it is unsustainable. I'm working for the lead gen companies not for myself. So far, Paperless Agt system only markets to my existing database and those people aren't referring business in numbers that would allow me to cease using expensive lead gen. So, I need some other innovation, great plan, something that works to get more listing appointments. I've only had four or five all year.
I concur with the above statement! I have received some business from my sphere of influence and I believe Paperless Agent is a great tool to keep me top of mind with them, but seems like other agents have more aggressive systems. I still need to do work to perfect my presentation and do more intentional outreach. I've been fortunate to join my mom in her business of 23 years so I'm still defining my message and branding.
Where I am located we have 10,000 MLS participants in a 15 square mile radius. The active listing to agent ratio is 7 agents for every 1 listing. I know of at least 10 people who they or their wives have gotten their license in the past couple of years. Every time that happens, it takes another slice out of my sphere. I agree, lead gen is # 1 problem for me right now.
YES!! agreed!!
How not to spend 1+ hours at a potential listing client's home giving them staging advice, and then they hire someone else....
How to capture listing opportunities from local market, and growing the database, where to get leads in addition to social media, farming.
To be able to effectively standout and compete locally with iBuyers and the Discount Brokers in my area. I see a
lot of the Sellers near me are drawn to the lower Commission Companies.
I would also like to be able to tap into off market listings. How to get the Sellers to contact me first and more engagement marketing to draw them to me as their local Realtor as opposed to an outside Realtor from another area.
Nothing is more devasting than to have another Realtor from a different area market in your neighborhood and they get the Listing you feel you should've had.
I agree! The current market has commoditized our profession. When sellers are getting multiple full price or above offers in one day, they're thinking, why should I pay full commission?
A Roadmap to Selling Your Home Today comprehensive brochure that is all Client Focused and how we can help The Client move forward. A template that can be edited and branded. Easy to read and easy on the eyes with lots of background photos. It can be multi pages in a nice format that I can have professionally printed as well as a pdf version for email. I find Seller's, especially a huge market, Baby Boomer's, still desire that "Kitchen Table" talk, face to face and it would be great to leave them with something that I know they would find readable and valuable.
It's not as hot was it was during the first half of the year. Help with scripts for the sellers who are caught in the earlier frenzy market and not the current cool down. They may still get multiple offers, but instead of getting $20,000-$30,000 more, they may get $5000 but all buyers are putting the contingencies back in now.
Totally agree
How to do a better job on social media to generate listing leads that fill out info on landing page
How to get them calling me to list their properties.
Tips on farming and becoming the "Go To" Realtor in your neighborhood
The TOP 5 Best Tools To Use for Listing Presentations and How To Use Them Best!
How to get increase my followers on Facebook and Instagram to use the Paperless Agent program to market too.
What are the best way that are working with examples to get Listings & Buyers using your system
I would love a listing presentation in Canva instead of power point etc. I would also love more advice on best practices for farming. Lastly, is how to get social media to work for people to call you for their listings.
To uncover additional listing potential and work more with Sellers than Buyers.
With almost 200 Realtors in my city I need to capture more attention and have the public give me a chance to show them how I will sell their home. I want to be top of mind and their first/only call. I do neighborhood events and local marketing. I’m an active volunteer in the community. I’m active on social media and join many local groups. Now I am looking for my next step to be Their Realtor.
Top 10 discovery points to get/have BEFORE the appointment for preparation. Could be about Sellers (personality, background, finances etc), the property, competition, etc.
Have worked more with Buyers lately, but would love to find and attract Sellers. In a sea of Realtors, it is hard to stand out.
I have small database and most of them sphere and relatives which I use Paperless agent material to market, but I need more leads, not sure where I can get it from. I heard multiple sources like Land Voice, Bold Head, and other to generate leads for you but not sure if it is working. Need some help?
Finding the current homeowners that are considering selling. If I get in front of the potential sellers I get the listing 75-80% of the time. It is getting the appointments to be in front of the sellers in this tight market.
Generating good leads
Lead generation.
Success stories from agents who have used the Nextdoor app to focus on their local market.
How to connect with the sellers at a deeper level than just listing a home.
How do I differentiate myself from other agents? How can I become the most irresistible agent (in a good way) they will ever want to have listed their home? How can I do all that without being a fake?
How can compete for a listing at a price point that I have never sold before? or in a long while?
Seller Lead Generation!
Our sphere is a start, but does not work for all!
Also.. what type of listing presentations are working best.. what format? Tablet, or in a book, etc? How about recording the 5 hours.. as no one can likely attend the entire thing.. would be nice to be able to go back as hard to quickly take notes when live.. would be great to have listing templates that are "different " from average too!
And best way to ADVERTISE and WHERE for listing leads and not in sphere, outside of it!
As a newer agent I need to be able to get over the hurdle of having had very little experience and business. I have only had a few transactions to date. Other agents can talk about their sales numbers, awards they've won and years of experience and I am not able to at this point. How else can new agents position themselves to win listings?
I am in the same boat. Just talking about my broker or office success isn’t enough.
I would like to know the following: Best ways to work a geographic farm in a new market I have just moved to:
1. The Best way to obtain email addresses that are accurate.
2. The Best way to obtain phone numbers that are accurate.
3. After initial mailing introductions, who do we continue to deploy a repetitive - recurring monthly mailing marketing program.
4. Lead Follow-up Ideas.
5. Lead Conversion.
Thank You!
I would like to create a real business plan to follow and implement. I have never done one. Practical and real ways to enter the luxury market on a limited budget. What to do to eliminate procrastination and/or remove distractions. I believe if I can get those two things under control I could have the real estate agent lifestyle under control. I know that there is more but I will start with those request above. Thank you!
All these great tools are not resulting in any listings or sales for me. I need to get the clients who are relocating here from all over the country & world. Raleigh area is consistently ranked as one of the most active real estate markets. We are averging about 188 new people moving here every day. I'm not getting any new leads. Other than dancing with the Zillow devil, how do I reach these people?
It's a crazy market with prices of homes continuing to increase. I feel I have a good presentation, however when the seller is interviewing multiple agents I often lose the listing because my recommended value range is lower than what my competition ends up listing the home for.
How to get 10 listings in 30 days….
I second that Tania!
How to get 10 listing appointments in 30 days from sellers that are motivated, eager to do what is required to make their sale happen, and one that wants to close in 30 days or less after listing
Who to stand out to new Seller's and get new business opportunities.
I would like to know what is the most effective way to do a listing presentation and how to properly handle objections. I would also like to know the best ways to market my listing. Looking forward to the summit.
Effective prospecting that generates listing leads from people you do not know (cold farming).
I am new in the business, need to learn all aspects of becoming confident when presenting to a Seller.
Brand new agent info. Just entering real estate world.
How do I start strong and keep the momentum strong and growing?
How to capture/find leads that go to the closing table?
I'm new and feel like I need a little of everything mentioned above!
I would like the event to be live and not have the presenters answering questions that aren't from people on the webinar. You give good advice on your other programs, but the fact that you try to pass them off as live when they aren't is very annoying.
As an agent who has recently entered a new market, I am having problems finding home owners that are thinking about selling their home. There are lots of well known agents that have been selling homes around here. How do I stand out from the crowd?
How to find an absentee owner without going through a lot of hoops. What is the best way to locate the information? Once I locate the information what are the steps.
In my neighborhood everyone knows I’m a Realtor but when it comes time to sell there house they use someone else. How do I get them to use me? How do I make myself the go to realtor?
Masterful methods for locating new clients for estates and seniors downsizing in a highly competive market. Getting my "specialty" known with limited marketing funds.
Had 10 Great years in my market 86-96. Just back into it a few month and my farm area is dominated by a few very good agents. Have sent out postcards and letters but have yet to break the ice...... Was a top lister for several years could use some help to get a jump start!!
I would love to learn about incorporating online marketing with my farming. How do I target the neighborhoods I'm farming through the internet? How do I set up the FB, Google, etc... ads? Then how do I create a landing page, and capture and follow up with those leads?
Accurate CMA's when there are no cookie cutter homes in your market. Building materials, building types, and everything in between is unique.
Proper "Farming": post cards and mailers or no? So many various opinions on this.
How to get listings when 90% of the market are absentee owners from another state.
A clear step by step guide
i would like to know more on how to seller's Lead Generation , what is the best source ? also how to compete with other realtors who sell their service low (discounted commission )