July 3rd 2023

Reverse Expired Real Estate Listings With Ease!

It happens–a home just isn't able to be sold and the listing expires. With the traditional way of reversing these expired listings, you have to do a ton of cold calling which no one enjoys. But what if there was a new method of reversing expired listings that's always working - even when you're not?

Get the Reverse Expired Listing Campaign Kit for free when you join the Marketing Club for just $1!  With our unique mix of videos, templates, and offers of help, Expired Listings will reach out to you (which sure beats endless cold-calling, hang-ups, and rejections). Unlock the vast potential of listings waiting to be discovered when you join today.

Revitalizing Expired Real Estate Listings: A Modern Approach

Expired real estate listings can be a goldmine for savvy agents who know how to approach them. However, the traditional methods of handling these expired listings often leave much to be desired in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore new ways of prospecting expired listings that move beyond the standard practice of cold calling. We delve into an innovative marketing campaign designed specifically for expired listing leads, highlighting its benefits over conventional tactics.

You'll learn about creating evergreen videos as part of your relisting service, leveraging social media ads to drive traffic, and setting up effective landing pages for lead conversion. Lastly, we will discuss the essential tech needs for running such a sophisticated campaign targeting expired real estate listings successfully.

The Traditional Method for Handling Expired Listings

In the real estate industry, dealing with expired listings can be a real headache. The old-school approach? Cold calling. But let's face it, nobody likes getting those unsolicited calls.

Cold Calling: The Not-So-Hot Strategy

For years, agents have relied on cold calling to tackle expired listings. But here's the thing - it's time-consuming and often ineffective. Plus, who has the patience for endless hours of dialing?

Bombarding people with unwanted calls can be detrimental to one's standing in the community, as it won't exactly make you the most popular agent in town.

Why Cold Calling Falls Flat

There are plenty of reasons why cold calling isn't the best approach. First off, it's a major time suck. You could be out there networking or fine-tuning your marketing instead.

And let's be real, most people aren't thrilled to pick up the phone for a random sales pitch. Your chances of actually reaching interested parties are slim to none.

So instead of wasting your time and potentially tarnishing your brand, it's time to explore more innovative approaches to handling expired listings. Stay tuned for some fresh ideas.

Introducing the New Expired Listing Campaign

Ever wondered if there's a better way to handle expired listings? Say goodbye to cold calling and hello to our innovative strategy that works for you 24/7.

Overview of the Marketing Campaign

This campaign is designed for modern real estate agents. It uses technology and online marketing to reach potential clients more efficiently. Using this campaign, we create evergreen video content, promote it through social media ads, and direct traffic to a dedicated landing page.

The beauty of this approach is its scalability and efficiency. Once your videos and ad campaigns are set up, they work tirelessly without any extra effort.

Benefits Over Traditional Methods
  • No More Cold Calling: Say goodbye to endless cold calls and hello to a smarter approach.
  • Better Reach: Target specific demographics through social media ads.
  • Educational Content: Attract potential clients and position yourself as an expert.
  • Cost-Effective: Reach a wider audience at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

This new campaign strategy offers an efficient alternative that saves time and yields better results. It's time to revolutionize how we handle expired listings!

Creating Evergreen Videos for Relisting Service

In the digital age, video content is the real estate agent's secret weapon. It's like a magic spell that attracts potential clients and makes you look like a pro.

Importance of Video Content in Modern Real Estate Marketing

YouTube and Instagram are the cool kids on the block, and they can help you reach more clients than ever before. Plus, studies show that people remember videos better than boring old text.

If you're aiming to be a real estate superstar, making eye-catching videos is essential. Show off your expertise, give helpful tips, and don't forget to add captions for those silent watchers.

Tips on Creating Engaging Videos with Captions

When making videos for your relisting service, remember these golden rules:

  • Showcase Your Expertise: Brag about what makes you special, whether it's your neighborhood knowledge or your fancy training.

  • Educate Your Audience: Teach homeowners how to sell like a pro with staging tips and renovation ideas.

  • Add Captions: Not everyone listens to videos, so make sure your message gets across with captions.

Creating evergreen videos may sound scary, but once you've got them, they'll work their magic 24/7, even while you're catching some Z's. Try pushing the boundaries of your creativity and discover what resonates with viewers.

When you’re seen as THE authority on listings in your market, sellers will actually believe you when you say you're different from other agents. Establish "Listing Preeminence" when you use our evergreen video scripts! Get the entire Reverse Expired Listing Campaign Kit when you try the Marketing Club today for just $1.

Utilizing Social Media Ads to Drive Traffic

Leveraging social media platforms is also a must for any successful marketing strategy. When it comes to expired real estate listings, social media advertising can be a game-changer for driving traffic to your evergreen video content.

Boosting Posts on Facebook and Instagram

First things first, let's talk about platforms like Facebook and Instagram where you can boost your posts. Simply pay a nominal cost and increase the likelihood of your post being seen by those who do not already follow you. Here are some best practices:

  • Create catchy captions that grab attention fast.

  • Choose high-quality images or videos, as they perform better than plain text posts.

  • Target your ads based on location, demographics, interests, and more. This increases the chances of reaching potential clients in need of relisting services.

Don't be afraid to try different ad formats like carousel ads or story ads. Experimentation is essential for optimizing the effectiveness of your campaigns. Keep testing and tweaking until you hit the jackpot.

YouTube Ads and Google Ads: Taking Targeting to the Next Level

Now let's move on to platforms like YouTube and Google Ads. These tools offer even more precise targeting options compared to Facebook or Instagram. For example, with Google Ads, you can target specific keywords related to your business. And on YouTube, you can place video ads before relevant content starts playing, ensuring that your ad reaches people actively searching for real estate listings information - exactly those who may need relisting services.

The world of social media advertising may seem intimidating at first, but once you master it, the benefits are immense. So start exploring these avenues today and witness how they transform your campaign's reach and effectiveness.

Setting Up Landing Pages For Your Campaign

Creating an exclusive space for potential customers is a must in the realm of digital marketing, to help convert leads into clients. These webpages are like the VIP lounge for your online campaigns, designed to promote your relisting services.

The Role of Landing Pages in Lead Conversion

Landing pages are like the secret weapon in your lead conversion arsenal. They provide targeted information tailored to homeowners with expired listings, increasing conversion rates like magic. Unlike generic homepages, landing pages eliminate distractions and focus solely on one goal: getting users' contact details so you can follow up later.

Imagine someone clicking on an ad for your relisting service. They expect more info, and your landing page delivers. It gives them all the reasons to choose you and an easy way to get in touch. It's like a match made in real estate heaven.

Remember, success lies not just in driving traffic, but also in converting those visits into tangible leads. It's time to turn those clicks into cha-chings.

Essential Components of an Effective Landing Page

A well-structured landing page can make or break your chances of securing a new client. Here are some key elements that every effective landing page should include:

  • Catchy Headline: Grab attention with a headline that screams "Choose me."

  • Detailed Description: Explain how your relisting service can work wonders for homeowners with expired listings.

  • Visual Elements: Spice things up with eye-catching images or videos that make people say, "Wow."

  • Contact Form/CTA Button: Make it super easy for visitors to reach out to you. Don't let them play hide and seek.

Tech Needs For Running An Effective Campaign

When it comes to running a successful expired listing campaign, technology plays an essential role. From creating engaging video content to setting up ad accounts on platforms like YouTube, the right tech can make all the difference.

Equipment needed for producing high-quality video content

In today's digital age, having a smartphone capable of shooting quality videos is crucial. You don't need the latest and most expensive model - many mid-range smartphones offer excellent camera capabilities that are more than sufficient for creating compelling real estate videos. A good smartphone with strong video capabilities, basic lighting equipment, and maybe a tripod for stability will do the trick.

You can also invest in editing software to polish your videos before posting them online. There are affordable options like Adobe Premiere Pro or even free alternatives like iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.

Setting up a YouTube channel & Ad account

A YouTube channel is a must-have tool. It allows you to host your evergreen video content for free and provides access to powerful advertising tools when used with Google Ads.

To set up a YouTube channel:

  • Create or sign into a Google Account.

  • Go to YouTube and select "Make a Channel".

  • Add relevant details about yourself or your business, including a profile picture and description.

Link this account with Google Ads to run ads directly within YouTube and utilize Google's extensive network of partner sites for maximum exposure.

To sum it up: While there might be some initial investment required both time-wise and financially, leveraging these technological tools effectively can yield significant returns by attracting potential clients to your real estate relisting services.


Before you write off Expireds, remember: On the other side of most expired listings, there’s a seller who was let down and needs help. You have the chance to be seen as a hero… IF you go about things in a thoughtful, helpful manner.

Forget outdated methods and embrace reputation management and targeted lead generation. Create evergreen videos, run social media ads, set up landing pages, and leverage technology tools to give yourself an edge in the competitive real estate market.

With these tactics, you'll be equipped to tackle expired listings and achieve success in your business.

For more tips and training, check out The Paperless Agent's Weekly Webinar Series and discover the secrets to becoming a highly efficient and successful agent in the digital era. Gain valuable insights, practical tips, and cutting-edge technology solutions that will revolutionize the way you work. Don't miss out – sign up today and elevate your real estate business to new heights: https://thepaperlessagent.com/weekly-webinar

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