Have you ever seen an engineer’s instrument panel of a 747? Here’s a photo of one.
There are just a few dials and switches on that thing, aren’t there!? You better really know what you’re doing before you start tinkering with those knobs and buttons.

There are just a few dials and switches on that thing, aren’t there!? You better really know what you’re doing before you start tinkering with those knobs and buttons.
Looking at the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard used to make us feel the same way. There were so many things you could tweak, adjust, turn up, turn down, select, deselect. And it seemed like if you turned one dial just a tick in the wrong direction, your campaigns would crash into the side of a cliff.
It was confusing to say the least. And a lot of advertisers bailed from Facebook altogether. “Check please! Too confusing. I’ll just focus on easier, less complicated ad platforms.”
You had to be more tech engineer than marketer.
Well, there is good news. You no longer have to be a 747 engineer to get good results on Facebook. You don’t have to check their updates every 30 minutes to see if they’ve changed something that will crash your plane into a canyon.
That’s our tip for today: If you’re not on Facebook because you think it’s too complicated, don’t be afraid. Come on in, the water's fine.
What DO you need to know to get good results on Facebook now?
Ancient direct marketing principles.
Today, getting good results is all about crafting a compelling message. It’s about getting the right message to the right person at the right time. It’s about understanding marketing principles that have worked for over one hundred years.
More good news: Even though they’ve been around for a century or more, most real estate agents still don’t know how to use them to create great Facebook ads.
Marketing Club members, see the 3 types of “ancient wisdom” Facebook ads you need to be running NOW in the Facebook News & Updated Ad Strategies Member Training Session.
Haven’t tried the Marketing Club yet? Sign up today to get all our Facebook ad secrets, as well as more tips and strategies for growing your real estate business.