September 26th 2022

Standing Out and Impressing Sellers with the Digital Property Marketing Plan

Many real estate markets are starting to shift, and we are seeing market conditions that are much different than they have been for the last three or four years. Homes are taking days, weeks, or months to sell rather than hours. As real estate professionals, we have to fill time and show sellers that we’re doing everything we can to get their home sold. The best way we have found to do this is with a Property Marketing Plan.

A Property Marketing Plan is more than just a conversation–it is a thorough, digital or physical document that clients can interact with. Think of it as a laundry list of everything that you’re going to do to list, market, and sell the home. It will include things like what you will do to help the client prepare the home for sale, your ongoing activities for marketing the home, and assets that you, your team, or your firm will contribute to help the seller. 

When you use a Property Marketing Plan, you will stand out in the marketplace as a listing expert agent because it communicates your value in a way that you can’t. It gives clients concrete reasons to hire you by showing what you will do differently than other agents to sell their home. There is no question about how their home will sell because your Property Marketing Plan is the evidence!

You should give clients the Property Marketing Plan before you have a listing agreement in place. This will make you stand out from the competition so much that the client won’t even need to look in the direction of other agents (ethically sabotaging the competition). 

The Property Marketing Plan will help you set expectations with clients. Expectations help you combat questions like “Will you discount your fees?” This question occurs when we have been commoditized. Through the Property Marketing Plan, we can educate clients on the home selling process and how we will help them achieve the outcomes they want, therefore rationalizing your fees. 

The Property Marketing Plan can also combat pricing objections. If you implement your entire Property Marketing Plan but still aren’t getting traction, you will need to revise your pricing strategy. You should set this expectation with sellers when you first present your Property Marketing Plan and communicate any market feedback with them throughout the selling process.

You can utilize this tool with more than just prospective sellers. Sending the Property Marketing Plan to your contacts and connections will make it into a shareable referral tool. People have a personal incentive to help their friends, and sending along your Property Marketing Plan is a way for them to do just that!  

When it comes to marketing listings or marketing to get listings, we can reference our Property Marketing Plan as a call to action. It becomes a versatile tool to showcase the value you provide.

You should be omnipresent through your marketing, conversations, and activities that you do in your real estate practice. Staying in front of your contacts and connections will keep you top of mind. This means that when people think of real estate, they will think of you. 

In a shifting market like this, putting forth effort in being creative will help you be innovative in your marketing approach. Professionals care about their clients more than they do themselves when it comes to putting their clients’ interest before their own. It is far more effective to begin the process of finding clients from a position of service, and the Property Marketing Plan will enable you to do just that. 

Want to implement this strategy? Get our Property Marketing Plan FREE when you try the Marketing Club for just $1 today!

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