July 8th 2019

Marketing Tips for Selling $3M a Month in Real Estate Production with Hillary Gaynor & Jim Pruitt

Hillary's Business Then and Now

Hillary joined The Paperless Agent community back in 2013, when she was focused on becoming one of the first Green Realtors in her area. The training she went through helped her produce $6 million a year… but man, was it a lot of work to get to that point. She felt like work was chaotic, and that the day-to-day was so overwhelming that she was too busy to follow through on her long-term business goals (sound familiar?).

Soon, Hillary experienced a period of burnout. Her production dropped to $3 million, and she knew something needed to change.

With a bit of coaching from Garry, Hillary made the decision to hire Jim to help revamp her marketing efforts. Together, they followed the training available in the Marketing Club to help Hillary build her business back up.

She’s now grown her sales by 10 times, from from $3M a Year to $3M a MONTH! And just as importantly, they’ve developed systems to make sure she never experiences burnout again.

Jim’s Strategy for Hillary

First, Jim worked with Hillary to determine her target audience--the kind of client she really wanted to serve in her real estate practice. Then, he revamped Hillary’s online presence to attract that kind of client. He crafted a new bio for her, claimed her various web properties, and branded all her social media profiles.

Now, Jim uses the Monthly Value Program — the monthly campaign included in the Paperless Marketing Club membership — as the framework for all of Hillary’s marketing efforts.

For those unfamiliar, the Monthly Value Program is a monthly campaign designed to help you keep in touch with your sphere & stay top of mind by providing useful, relevant content across a variety of channels. In total, it looks something like this:

The topics vary on a month to month basis. Here are a couple of examples:

So, Jim and Hillary used this campaign as a basis for their marketing. They then expanded on it to look like this:

The Impact and the Future

Thanks to these systems and their consistent implementation, Hillary is on track to have her best year EVER. She’s earning more, BUT crucially she’s also working less, which has afforded her the opportunity to spend more time with her children. She currently coaches their softball teams and is the president of the softball association in her area.

This community involvement is not only good for her quality of life, but has also been great for business: she’s been able to build her her referral network with all these new connections!

Tip: Hillary finds that the best way to turn new contacts into potential prospects is just to start talking about your day. People are naturally interested in your work, and once you get a conversation flowing, casually say “Do you mind if I add you to my monthly marketing? I provide a lot of great information about buying and selling homes even if you’re not thinking about it right now.”

In the future, Hillary and Jim plan to use even more marketing ideas from the Club, including:

  • More video, like fellow Marketing Club member Mary Anglin described in a previous Member Training
  • More frequent Market Update Reports
  • A Home Anniversary Campaign using SendOut Cards (Club member Chip Barkel’s personal favorite)
  • Facebook Messenger Campaigns
  • More sophisticated retargeting campaigns

Interested in learning more about the Club? Check out our free trial: 


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Kyle Strohschein

Kyle Strohschein is a copywriter and digital marketer with more than 15 years of experience marketing in the real estate space. He specializes in helping fast-growth companies scale their marketing efforts to increase leads, sales, and ROI. He is currently Director of Marketing at The Paperless Agent.

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